Florida's Easiest Traffic School
Simply a better choice.
Florida is a great place to live. It has great people, great weather, and some of the greatest sports teams in the nation. But that doesn't mean that Floridians are immune to some of the annoyances of modern life like traffic tickets. Florida drivers are pulled over and cited by police officers for traffic violations over 2 million times each year, for things such as speeding, running red lights, improper lane changing, and more. Some of these things are accidental, and some of them are a result of poor driving decisions.
Either way, nobody likes getting a ticket. It's a good way to put a damper on any driver's day. Whether it is because you were running late, or you just didn't realize how fast you were going, there is no reason that one incident of speeding should be held against you. It's bad enough that you have to pay a fine, but why should it stay on your driving record forever, following you around like a bad penny? At 1SafeDriver.com, we don't believe that it should. We aim to provide help — not for those dangerous or reckless drivers — but for those everyday people, like yourself, who ended up in a bad situation simply because of something that was out of their control. The people who have only had to speed once, but happened to be caught doing so. These are the people who we want to help get those traffic tickets erased.
That is why we offer you traffic school online. Florida court allows tickets to be dismissed through traffic school, so if you live in this state, you are in luck. You can take the Florida Basic Driver Improvement course with 1SafeDriver.com — you won't even have to leave your house to find a Florida court-approved traffic school, with lightning fast delivery of certification. And the good thing about our online driving school Florida courses, is that you can start and stop whenever you want, and work around your own schedule, taking as long as you need to finish it. You can take the course in video format or simply read text, and you can access it on any device, including your phone.
Going to traffic school can be a hassle, but online traffic school Florida is a completely different experience, especially when you use 1SafeDriver.com. It is both easy and convenient to complete. Take a look at our site, register for a course today and get that Florida ticket dismissed in no time.