Traffic Citations Information

The Traffic division of the Clerk’s Office handles all moving and non-moving traffic citations and local boating/fishing/other infractions issued to persons in Glades County. The Clerk's Office collects fines, fees and service costs associated with those citations/infractions, and sets court dates for those who wish to contest their citation/ infraction violation.

If you are interested in attending a Defensive Driving School, you must first contact the Traffic Division at the Clerk of Court for payment and enrollment information.

Your options for a Traffic Citation

In Glades County, you have 30 days from the date of issuance to elect one of the following:

  • Option 1: Plead guilty, accept points on your driver license and pay the ticket
  • Option 2: Pay the ticket and Elect Traffic School to withhold adjudication off your driving record
  • Option 3: Contest the ticket and request a court hearing

Option 1 - Pay the Ticket

By paying the Traffic Civil Penalty, you are admitting guilt and the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) will assess points on your driving record for moving violations.
Pay Online, by mail or in person.

Option 2 - Go To Traffic School

You will have to sign an affidavit electing to attend a driving school and pay the Clerk’s Office the associated costs for this option within 30 days of the date of the citation.

You must provide the Clerk’s Office with a copy of the Certificate of Completion that will be issued to you by the school within 90 days of the date of the citation. Failure to provide the Certificate within 90 days will result in your license being suspended and late fees will be assessed.

Remember, you may only elect the traffic school option five (5) times in your life and the election can only be made once every twelve (12) months. Failure to timely complete the school course or timely submit your completion certificate or pay the fine will result in removal of the fee reduction, points being assessed, and suspension of your license and/or late fees being assessed.

Option 3 - Contesting Your Ticket

You may contest your citation/infraction by appearing in court before a judge. To do so, you must call the Traffic division to set your court date. Once set, the Clerk’s Office cannot reschedule your court date.

Glades County Clerk of Court

500 Avenue J, Suite 102
Moore Haven, FL 33471

Phone: 863-946-6010